Baza wyszukanych haseł
aaaaTrzeba żyć, a nie tylko istnieć.aaaa

Wymagania sprzętowe:

166 MHz Pentium processor
Microsoft Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT4, XP or later
4 MB hard disk space per language
CD-ROM drive
VGA monitor
Sound card

Obsługiwane języki: Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Esperanto, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Latin, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Zulu.



| Karp po zydowsku is carp in aspic with various bits of carrot and
| tucked in for good measure. 'Carp in aspic' is a safe way to translate
it on
| a menu. It should also be pointed out if it's not clear from the context
| that it is served cold.

| --
| Piorokrat

We are back at the starting point. And this point was that, AFAIK, karp po
zydowsku is a carp in a sweet sauce. Now, where have you eaten this carp
aspic as a karp po zydowsku? In Hungary?


If you could bother to look at the basic tool that is you
would see that there as many hits for Karp po Âżydowsku in jelly as there are
for your version, if not more, since it is not easy for me to tell whether
all the recipes for the non-jelly Jewish carp are the same or not.

So I'm referring this question to the experts.

In this case, Agnieszka, who asked the question, or any other translator,
needs to ascertain by asking the restaurant manager exactly what type of
fish dish is being offered under this name.

I certainly have eaten carp in Hungary, but not to any recipe mentioned

I have even eaten carp in Romania, even through it's quite literally crap


In this case, Agnieszka, who asked the question, or any other translator,
needs to ascertain by asking the restaurant manager exactly what type of
fish dish is being offered under this name.

You must be kidding. Part of the the "dining experience" in an ethnic
restaurant is that the patrons have no clue what they are ordering.

I certainly have eaten carp in Hungary, but not to any recipe mentioned

I have even eaten carp in Romania, even through it's quite literally crap

Good for you. But I bet you didn't know what you were ordering. And this suits
the restaurant just fine.



WysÂłano z serwisu OnetNiusy:


we offer full range of translations regarding Polish, Russian, Czech,
Slovak, Ukrainian, Romanian

We can translate everything from English into above languages and oher way.

We specialize in slavic languages. If U have any questions pls reply to this
email or visit

bartek bilinski


we offer full range of translations regarding Polish, Russian, Czech,
Slovak, Ukrainian, Romanian

We can translate everything from English into above languages and oher way.

We specialize in slavic languages. If U have any questions pls reply to this
email or visit

bartek bilinski

Do you proofread your materials, or do you rely on your client to catch all the

rccc napisał:

> Kretynami nie sa, ale swoj spryt uzywaja w zlym celu.
> A to madroscia nie jest i zasluguje na przeciwdzialanie.

Moja córka przetłumaczyła to na angielski (mam nadzieję że znasz ten język :-) ).
Mnie się zdaje że wycięto część mowy Peresa na spotkaniu z handlowcami
izraelskimi . To jest typowy żydowski humor Peresa. Tylko Żydzi umieją się śmiać
z siebie. Najlepsze kawały o Żydach są napisane i opowiadane przez Żydów .
To jedna z tajemnic przetrwania Żydów . ;-))))))

Well, what they don't show is the second half of what Mr. Peres is saying.
The full text goes like this:
"(said with Peres' typical sense of humor) A small country like us, it's
amazing. I see weare buying Manhattan, Humgary, Romania, Poland - so I
understand that we have no problems [e.g. businessmen are doing well]. The
talents, the levity, and connections reach nearly everywhere.
now here's the part they didn't translate:
And it's truly interesting, it's interesting because we are a small country
after all, and it appears that it will be very difficult for us to be an
industrial country. Because our local market simply isn't large enough to depend
on local industry."

rccc napisał:

> A tu filmik z przemowienia bufona Peresa:

Moja córka przetłumaczyła to na angielski (mam nadzieję że znacie ten język :-) ).
Mnie się zdaje że wycięto część mowy Peresa na spotkaniu z handlowcami
izraelskimi) . To jest typowy żydowski humor Peresa.

Hi, this is ***, ***'s daughter writing.
well, what they don't show is the second half of what Mr. Peres is saying.
The full text goes like this:
"(said with Peres' typical sense of humor) A small country like us, it's
amazing. I see weare buying Manhattan, Humgary, Romania, Poland - so I
understand that we have no problems [e.g. businessmen are doing well]. The
talents, the levity, and connections reach nearly everywhere.
now here's the part they didn't translate:
And it's truly interesting, it's interesting because we are a small country
after all, and it appears that it will be very difficult for us to be an
industrial country. Because our local market simply isn't large enough to depend
on local industry."

P.S. Przepraszam za "gwiazdki" . To zamiast prawdziwych imion :-)

Boasting about its culture is the halmark mosty of rather poor nations, take
Russians or Romanians for example who are known to be the biggest braggarts.

I once met one Romanian University profesor who been assigned to NATO exercise
as a translator which also I have myself had taken part in. The funny thing is
that he was doing the exact same job, as other translators present, but he had
his nose up in the sky, he acted as if he was better or something, bragging
about how "Romanian language is based on French or Romance language"...Who
cares anyways...

At the same time I have met several Russian students from University of
Virginia, and those ladies I got to tell you, they would tell us how "Russians
were smarter then Americans". But when I asked one of them, how come is
Russia's national GDP only 5% of that of US, she would turn red on ther face
and was not able to give me straight forward answer :)

Don't tell me that wealth has nothing to do with and IQ of the person or given
nation as a whole...!?

Te gry (sztuka) jest kopią Francuskiego Oryginału wersji kopiować (kopia) z *Alcool* 120% cały (całość; w całości) ochron& były mijane (przecięty) 1 ) Pierwszy (najpierw) cały współzawodniczyć ulgę obrazu ma (Alkohol 120% albo jed drugi (sekunda; po drugie; popierać) faktyczny (wirtualny) czytelnik *Daemon* Narzędzie (obrabiać) ) od 2.8 Udają się zawierający 4 *Cd* i klucz Wy musicie instalować *Sims* 2 przez czytelnika *Vertuel* de *Daemon* narzędzie minimum (minimalny) *V* 3.47 2 ) Dla co (żeby; który) instalować cały *dabors* program co (żeby; który) wy *trouverer* w zapasie (który jest w obrazie od 2.8 Udają się ) “*Sims* 2 *Ace* + Klucz (kluczowy) + *Demontool*” => “Czytelnik *Vertuel* *Demontool*” => “*daemon347.exe*” 3 ) wykonywać “*daemon347.exe*” i instalować to. 4 ) Jeden raz (jeżeli) instalować czerwony ĂŠ*marer* wasz *PC*. 5 ) Wy będziecie musieliście widzieć odtąd ikona (widok *celandine*) *dimensioned* zegar (w nagim plamy (miejsce) ). Wyrabiany Trzask (*mouse*) prawo (prawy; naprawo od) *desus* => Faktyczny (wirtualny) *Cd*/*Dvd-Romanian* => Urządzenie 0: ...... => Podnosić się (umieszczać; instalacja) Obraz (przedstawiać) (trzask opuścił (pozostawiony; odjechał; lewy) ) Potem *parcourer* i odszukiwać obraz w *repertoir* to *Cd1* który musi jest w fajle od 2.8 Udają się (zawierający cały *Cds* i klucz (kluczowy) ) Od *commance* instalacja. Jeżeli to będzie pytać (prosić) was wstawiać *Disc* 2 i tak dalej wyrabiany ta sama procedura (5 ) i tak dalej Jeden raz (jeżeli) instalacja skończyć (wykończenie). 6 ) kopiować (kopia) i wbijają w wasz twardy (trudny; intensywnie) *disk* *Cd1* Zapas który jest w obrazie od 2.8 Udają się. 7 ) wyrabiał ten sam *op*ĂŠ*raition* co (żeby; który) liczba (ilość) 5 dla *disc* 1 Ochładzają *D*ĂŠ*sormait* *aiser* *Disc* 1 w faktycznym (wirtualny) czytelniku *daemon* narzędzie (obrabiać). 9 ) Teraz wy możecie grać z maksymum *stabiliter* i bez *ace*. 10 ) Dobre gry (sztuka) i mam nadzieję co (żeby; który) wy będzie nastąpił procedura dobrze
Hmm wyszło mi cos takiego z resztą sam sprawdż

Nowe konkursy dla lingwistow

Date of publication : 23/11/2005
Closing date : 21/12/2005

Linguistic administrators –(AD5) in the field of translation having German as
their main language.

University degree of at least three years duration.
A perfect command of German (main language) PLUS a very sound knowledge of
either English or French (first compulsory source language) PLUS a very sound
knowledge of another language (second compulsory source language) from among
the following: Bulgarian, Czech, Estonian, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian,
Maltese, Polish, Romanian, Slovak or Slovene.

Citizenship of one of the Member States of the EU

On-line registration compulsory! Closing date: 21/12/05, 12.00 noon Brussels


Date of publication : 23/11/2005
Closing date : 21/12/2005

Linguistic administrators –(AD5) in the field of translation having English
as their main language.

University degree of at least three years duration.
A perfect command of English (main language) PLUS a very sound knowledge of
either German or French (first compulsory source language) PLUS a very sound
knowledge of another language (second compulsory source language) from among
the following: Bulgarian, Czech, Estonian, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian,
Maltese, Polish, Romanian, Slovak or Slovene.

Citizenship of one of the Member States of the EU

On-line registration compulsory! Closing date: 21/12/05, 12.00 noon Brussels


Date of publication : 23/11/2005
Closing date : 21/12/2005

Linguistic administrators –(AD5) in the field of translation having French as
their main language.

University degree of at least three years duration.
A perfect command of French (main language) PLUS a very sound knowledge of
either English or German (first compulsory source language) PLUS a very sound
knowledge of another language (second compulsory source language) from among
the following: Bulgarian, Czech, Estonian, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian,
Maltese, Polish, Romanian, Slovak or Slovene.

Citizenship of one of the Member States of the EU

On-line registration compulsory! Closing date: 21/12/05, 12.00 noon Brussels

  • Trzeba żyć, a nie tylko istnieć.